金馬影后楊惠姍和導演男友張毅退出影壇後,投身琉璃藝術已22年,近來她耗費2年時間、斥資8千萬元台幣的新作「大圓滿花開」琉璃噴水池終於完成,上月在馬來西亞PAVILION購物廣場正式揭幕,並獲馬來西亞紀錄(Malaysia Book of Records)之最高琉璃噴泉。
羅馬人有一個美麗的傳說,只要背對噴泉拋一枚硬幣往水池,就會擁有再一次重游故地的機會。現在吉隆坡Pavilion購物中心設立的全馬最高的“琉璃許願池”,讓您的願望能夠成真!池高3.6公尺、闊6公尺的全馬最高的“琉璃許願池”屹立在首都金三角地帶 -- Pavilion購物中心入口處。該池噴泉由直徑2.07公尺、2.87公尺和3.57公尺的琉璃碗組成,是吉隆坡Pavilion和中國琉璃工坊合作在上海制作的作品,耗資800萬令吉。
A(H1N1): Four more deaths, total at 12 (Update)
Wednesday August 5, 2009 MYT 4:10:00 PM
PETALING JAYA: The Influenza A(H1N1) virus claimed four more lives, bringing the total number of fatalities in Malaysia to 12.
Three patients were a three-year-old, a 12-year-old and a 20-year old who all died at the Malacca Hospital on Aug 3, Health Ministry director-general Tan Sri Ismail Merican said on Wednesday.
The fourth was a six-year-old boy who died at 2.30am Wednesday at the Batu Pahat Hospital, the second such death in Johor.
Overall, there were 16 new cases of A(H1N1) infection recorded over the past 24 hours, bringing the accumulated total in Malaysia to 1,476 since the outbreak.
In MIRI, Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai warned those with even a mild case of flu to immediately isolate themselves from their family and the general public to curb the flu.
He added that the worsening haze in the country was going to make the A(H1N1) situation worse.
On Tuesday, the air quality in five areas reached unhealthy levels as the number of hotspots in Sumatra and Kalimantan increased drastically.