Used to watch movie during Chinese New Year when small... cos there are so much Chinese movie... however these few years seems like not much CNY movie...
This year finally got All's Well End's Well (家有喜事 2009) to watch la...!!! and Look for a Star (游龍戲鳳) will be screen on 5th Feb.
Back from Penang in the midnight of 2am..... just have a deep still till 10.30am....
then mum suggested to go watch movie - All well ends well.... i went online to check for the tickets... but all slots is full .. may be because is wednesday... GSC is only RM7... is all packed..
at last found 4 empty seats of the "Reserves" seats .... i still thought there is an error because usually Reserves seats cant be purchased.... then i refresh the page... 2 of the seats are taken just in 2seconds.... without anymore delay.. i just quickly bought the remaining 2 seats... lolz...and manage to get it....
rush to buy some food b4 the movie at 12.50pm.... manage to sneak in 2 burgers lolz.
after movie.. we had a walk at midvalley... and bought some slice beef, fish balls, vege... back home for steamboat..!!!
this is the cake i bought back from penang....
the famous Indonesian Layer Cake....
the price is increasing every year...... and now is 60+ for this
and i think during CNY... the layers are not so much also.... they rushing for ''production'' reduce a few layers??... hahhahaa
but the taste still the same.... delicious..!!! Hmmmm but fattening oh... quite oily due to alot butter i think... lolz